Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Brains are dumb

So often I get here and say, now what?
then I type a whole page of stuff and decide to backspace it.
Then I type a whole page of stuff I want to tell you and accidently hit this mouse square bull on the laptop and wham it all turned into a T and I donèt know where the undo button is... plus all my apostrofeeès have turned into è and my forward slash is é
I hope that goes away

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Media Sucks

So the media sucks. We already new this so its not really a shock. We watched the G8/G20 on t.v. all day saturday! and we saw nothing, NOTHING! of the 25,000 peaceful demonstrators. I was sooo worried about the people I know who were there!! Only to find out later that they were peacefully protesting, and none NONE! of those issues made it to MY tv.

and this second clip just doesn't make sense to me either!!/video/video.php?v=405268832370&ref=mf

On a happier note, our family has decided to sponsor a child. I was thinking last night, what the heck are we doing? Paying Rogers over $100 every month so that we can watch biased shit on the tv that is just stupid manipulating bull when that same amount of money every month could assure clean water and food and an education for like 3 or 4 children! If we all cancelled our mind numbing cable and started paying attention to the true issues of this world instead of amican idol and all the other bullshit programming then maybe we could start to make a difference. As long as we are ignoring the poverty starvation pollution and death in favor of commercials and materialism then we are to blame. BECAUSE OUR $ IS OUR VOTE IN HOW WE WANT THE WORLD RUN! IF WE JUST STOP SUPPORTING ALL THE CRAP THAT IS DESTROYING US AND START SUPPORTING THINGS THAT ACTUALLY MEAN SOMETHING THEN WE WILL SEE A HUGE DIFFERENCE. STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Crazy Week Full Moon!!

Hey folks. This week has been a hard week for me. There has been stress and weirdness. First of all we had an earthquack.
Then I watched the first half of a documentary called Earthlings. It was so hard to watch. It was also very informative. Do you eat meat? Then you should watch this. Do you have pets? There were some statistics that absolutely shocked me. Like did you know 60,000 pets are uthanized everyday in shelters? Thats fucked people.
I don’t know that I can ever eat meat again now. Not unless I’m sure that its not been...sorry I really don’t want to think about it! I’m so so so sooooo disgusted to find ouut that I- that I’ve been a part of this!! More and more I lose faith in the world. It’s worse than babylon. Please God!! I pray constantly for the strength to endure this knowledge!! Because the more I learn about what we have done to this world, the more that I feel that I don’t want to be a part of this. I want to stop this. I WANT TO STOP EVERYTHING! IF ONLY I COULD. I keep holding strong to the idea that I can.
We (our family) has taken the first steps to changing this world. We refuse now to shop in the grocery store when ever possible. We are choosing instead to shop at the farmers market, buying mostly local goods. Some weeks I buy all local, other weeks the only import stuff I buy is fruit cause lets face it there are no Canadian banana’s. By supporting local farmers I am making our local economy better.
I don’t understand how things that are imported cost less money that things from here. Think about it, price of transportation + price of labour etc etc and you know I think it’s cause the big corporations own all the grocery stores and boom you have the iron food curtain. It’s all bad and worse ther e for me now.
Today when I finnished work at ...the lab and offices I clean on the weekend I went directly to my other job which I thought I could do at 4. Turns out that it was open to 5. So as I was wasting time waiting to work when I couldn’t work (chuckle chuckle) there was an Indian family standing around watching their pet cat, who was harnassed, shit on the perfectly manicured lawn...I mean they were all four of them gathered around in a circle, dad leaning over elbows on his knee’s just intently watching fluffy poo. Then they watched the kitty scratch scratch scratch for a while. Huh.
Oh. Yeah they had the G8 G20 Summit thingy in Toronto and we were watching the burning of the police cars on the tv. People...I don’t really know how I feel about all of that. I do know that us little folk do need to realize that we the people are strong. But we can get so much more done by non violent actions than by violent actions. But I don’t know about that either right now. Cause I’d like to get violent in the name of Justice...
So yeah. At this point in my life I am just going to keep moving in the right direction. I’m trying to not bring any more plastic into the house. It’s freakin retardedly hard. Even when you say no thankyou people still want to force you to take the stupid plastic.
Did i mention that we are going chemical free!! Yay!! That is one area where we have had nothing but success!!
Anyways, it’s been a long day and last night i was up late with the kids. So blog ya later!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Earth Shakes!

I do not think that we will be able to avoid talking about the earthquake that happened today. I didn't even know southern ontario had a fault line (where the heck was I all these years eh?!) So I have to confess I am a little dissappointed that I did not get to feel it, but at the same time very very thankful that I did not feel it. weird. It was also extreme humidity look out tornado warning day.
I had to laugh and have been laughing ever since because on the t.v. it was talking about the tornado warning and what to do in case (yadi yadi yadi) and they concluded with find a closet or doorway in the basement, crouch down and cover your head. Not even 5 minutes later all this hooflaw about THE GREAT EARTHSHAKE OF 2010 and they are on the t.v. saying look out for aftershocks, in the event of the earth moving again, get outside where things cannot fall on you. ha ha ha so which is it? a)get blown away or b)be crushed to death :)

Today I did not make any headway in the good fight (that's the one where I am limiting everything in order to try to save the world and us). Instead I did a lot of writing, and a lot of feeling like I'm mired in molasses.

Tomorrow is another day.
hopefully uneventful

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I missed a day! I really wanted to blog away without missing a day and then at 2am last night I made the decision not to boot up the computer. I figured at the time it was worth it to grab a couple hours sleep before it was high time to get the heck outta bed again!!

Today was our League of Literary Loonies first meeting. We discussed the book Into The Wild. Great book!! So finally!! I am a part of a book club. I am interested to see what we will choose next as I loved the book and movie combo we just did.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


For a very long time I have been an advocate for healthy food. All my life I ate pretty good (when the chance was there of course) and always encouraged others to eat good too. Somehow my view back over my life skips my picky childhood. My mother says I wouldn't eat anything fancy. I remember shake and bake chicken, basmati jasmine rice, salad all the time, steak and my grandmothers amazing cooking perogies, cabbage rolls, cakes, noodles!

I also had put 2 and 2 together and discovered that when I ate poorly I got fat, and I did not enjoy it. So that was the begining of this long ass journey I've been on my whole life I guess.


Now that I am older and I have my own children I am deeply disturbed about the whole food industry. As an adult I am well aware of the fact that we are always been told to eat less salt, eat less fat, and eat less sugar. It turns out that these things are the essentials our body needs to survive. Without those things = disaster! But we are eating too much = health disasters.

(and I must confess, the C word scares me. everybody gets it... I believe that by keeping our bodies 100% healthy by avoidance of preservatives, chemicals, plastics, and pollutants we will all be given an advantage.)

So how hard is it to cut out the things that you don't want to eat on principal. It's not that hard. Once you make up your mind just tell yourself, "Nope. I don't agree with this because..." and be true to that feeling.

I watched a documentary a little while ago called Food Inc. ( It talks about how their is a thing called the iron food curtain. It is the grocery store. You walk into it and everything is all packaged and pretty and you buy it but you do not actually see where it comes from. It brought a lot of different issues to life for me.

1. the treatment of the livestock. this poor animals are existing is a miasma of misery and fear and pain. thousands upon thousands all stacked up. Do you think that just maybe those circumstances create filth and desease??

2. the cleanliness of the food. wow. watch the movie. its sick. all the meat pretty much unlabelled from where it came from has been washed (up to 6x) in ammonia... Think about it. Ammonia which is a cleaner that is a toxic substance...poison.

3. the animals are all eating corn. corn is so plentifull that we are forcing animals that don't eat it exclusively to eat it exclsively.
and oh yeah all those wierd ingrediants like malto dextrin? etc etc those are all corn ingredients. and it is in almost all of our packaged food. all your crap.

4. how the filth that is washed away goes down river to water/contaminate your lettuce. creepy. The way we raise, process. and use our food is dangerous and wastefull.

I do not want to eat something that lived existed in misery all or most of its life.
I don't agree with keeping animals in little cages.
I do not agree with cutting the beaks off of chickens so that they will not peck each other.
I think that sunlight and happiness are important for animals too.
We are what we eat, and I'd like to eat cow that ate its natural food, not cow that ate corn and now has a plug in its tummy that comes out so the farmer can stick his hand into the cows tummy to help digest the food...if cows eat grass mostly instead of corn, why not feed them what they need?

I want this blog to be a reflection of my journey.
I want to populate it with all the stuff that I have learned.

I have learned humility. I have realized that all is not as it seems. I look around me and see a throw away society. It has to stop!! All the plastic, all of it is just going into the ground! What are our children going to do with all this garbage? its buried everywhere! and not just plastics, also toxic waste.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I am going to try my hand at blogging again!

I have found that as I have gotten older I have begun to question many things. I've wondered about what we are eating, what we are using and discarding. I have wished for a simpler life, one that does not involve telemarketers or stupid plastic dollarstore toys...

I have begun a journey now that I hope will lead to my family eating healthy seasonal local organic foods, as well as we are going chemical free. I will talk about all these things as the days go by.

Today Liz and I made chemical free laundry detergent. It was fun, so far so good! I've done 2 loads and I have no complaints. Now I just have to brave laundry room (which unfortunatly has about 2 dozen unfolded loads covering the floor...which is why its called laundry room this week!) and see if I can't get it all put away!!

I spent the remainder of the afternoon researching how to make lye soap. It is actually a really neat process and I am rather excited to have a go at it when I get all the right tools together. I guess I really need
1. a scale
2. two thermometers
3. a soap mold
4. some coconut oil (or lard or whatever)
5. and some essential oils

Its hot and I'm typing at eye level and being mauled by whiney brats so I will bid you goodnight.